International Business Conferences

International Business Conference

Each year the FWA International Business Conference participants encounter a destination where fundamental investment and business opportunities are developing.

Following an initial trip to China in 1978, when the FWA was one of the first groups to visit after a reopening of that country, the globalization of finance led the FWA in 1985 to initiate its series of international business conferences. In each location, the delegation meets with the most senior government and business leaders to understand the investment potential in these countries and to learn of government’s role in support of economic expansion.

Raise Your International Profile, Expand Your Worldview 

As a leader in today’s global economy, you need an informed world view to guide important business decisions. FWA’s 2024 International Business Conference (IBC) in Greece: Reinvention as a Path to Success is an executive-level experience designed to raise your international business IQ while immersing your senses in an exciting, new culture. Travel to legendary Greece, a country compelled to reinvent itself after a devastating debt crisis. A host of VIPs and experts will share first-hand insights into the economic climate and innovative spirit that made Greece’s transformation from disaster to success possible. 

Previous International Business Conferences

Year     Destination

2023   Bermuda

2021   The Netherlands (Cancelled due to COVID-19)

2020   Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel

2019   Mumbai and New Delhi, India

2018   Toyko, Japan

2017   Toronto and Vancouver, Canada

2016   Singapore and Hong Kong

2015   London, England 

2014   Berlin, Germany

2013   Washington, D.C.

2012   UAE Dubai and Abu Dhabi

2011   Brazil

2010   Costa Rica

2009   India Conference, NYC

2008   Russia

2007   Vietnam

2006   Sweden

2005   Dominican Republic

2004   Japan

2003   Italy

2002   Poland

2001   Silicon Valley

2000   Turkey

1999   China

1998   Ireland

1997   Australia

1996   South Africa

1995   New Delhi and Bombay

1994   Brussels and Amsterdam

1993   Buenos Aires

1992   Mexico City

1991   Budapest

1990   INSEAD

1989   Toronto

1988   Madrid

1987   London 

1986   Tokyo, China and Hong Kong   

1985   London and Paris

1978   China

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