FWA Event Disclosure, Payment and Cancellation Policy

Events may be filmed, photographed and recorded. By registering for and attending an event, you acknowledge that any images, photographs and recordings are the property of the Financial Women's Association ("FWA") and/or the event partner or host. You also authorize FWA and its designees to use your image, likeness and voice in connection with any reproduction, distribution and broadcast (in any medium now known or later developed) of the event, including footage or recordings produced by third parties and licensed by FWA, and you further authorize FWA to use the same in its online and offline business communications and marketing.

The FWA may use your contact information to provide you with information about the organization, or to notify you about similar events that may be of interest to you. We do not share any contact information with individuals outside of the FWA.


For Payment by Credit Card:

Reservations/Cancellations and Payments unless otherwise specified, must be made at least 2 business days prior to the event.


Cancellation Policy:

Virtual events are often recorded and where possible, recordings will be made available to registrants following the event. Registrations cannot be canceled and are considered non-refundable purchases.

In-person event cancellations made less than 72 hours prior to the event are non-refundable.

Payment must accompany all reservations. Please bring Photo Id.

Anti-Harassment Policy

The FWA of New York, Inc. (the "FWA") strive to maintain an environment free from harassing and discriminatory conduct of any kind. FWA strictly prohibits its employees, volunteers and members from engaging in any discriminatory or harassing behavior based on race, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability, or any other category protected by law and strives to assure that non-members at FWA-sponsored events likewise refrain from engaging in such behavior. Behavior that may be viewed as "kidding around" can also be seen by a reasonable person as an offensive and reportable violation of law and FWA policy.

Examples of such inappropriate practices include, but are not limited to:

Sexual and/or racial harassment, such as derogatory or tasteless remarks, unwanted advances, display of offensive material, suggestive comments about personal appearance, unwelcome touching or blocking someone's movement in an offensive or sexually suggestive way.

Any other acts evidencing harassment, bias or prejudice on the basis of any characteristic protected by law.

Inappropriate conduct that disrupts or interferes with another's work performance or enjoyment of an FWA event or creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment, including insulting, degrading, exploitative or discriminatory treatment, whether verbal or physical.

Members and volunteers should report violations of the above referenced policy to FWA's Executive Director or General Counsel. All communications will be kept strictly confidential. An investigation will be conducted under the direction of the Executive Director and/or the General Counsel, who will recommend to the FWA Leadership, when indicated, appropriate steps to be taken by the FWA.

FWA employees should refer to the Employee Handbook that sets forth the "Policy Against Workplace Harassment," including specific steps for employees to take to report any workplace violations.

FWA reserves the right to bar individual entry to meetings and events and revoke FWA membership for violations of and non-compliance with the above-referenced policy.

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