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Whether you're a brand new or a long-time member, joining a committee will reward you personally and professionally as you help sustain and guide the future of the FWA.
Do it for yourself and for our community -
It's easy. Keep your interests, skills, and ambitions in mind while reviewing the FWA committee descriptions below. Then update your Committee Interest Form. Committee chair(s) will reach out when there is an opportunity to get involved!
Need more information? Contact either the Division Leader(s) or specific Committee Chair(s) below to learn more about their work.
*Committee participation is a benefit reserved for FWA members. Take advantage of this great opportunity!
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Division Leadership:
Patti Domm, Lori Ioannou and Jacqueline 'Jackie' Linden
The FWA’s Programming committees design and deliver activities that prepare, develop and mentor professionals via executive speakers, panelists, classes, seminars and networking opportunities.
Check out our upcoming events here! Each is tailored to a range of constituents from the C-suite and other senior executives, to mid-level professionals and entrepreneurs.
Members working on these committees network with recognized experts and business dignitaries. They learn how to design and execute powerful programming, resulting in enhanced leadership skills and expertise.
Educates members on corporate governance and the issues involved in serving on corporate boards.
For more information, contact Committee Co-chairs Pawneet Abramowski or Deepa Keswani.
Creates a forum for talented professionals to continue development of their professional and personal skills by leveraging the knowledge base of colleagues and mentors.
For more information, contact the Committee Co-chairs Natalie Iannone and Lauren Turano.
Develops and delivers business programs targeted to our entrepreneurial membership.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Tara Johnson.
Develops and shares programs on technology subjects of interest to those in financial services.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Susan Migliaccio.
Provides a forum to network with peers in the financial community on Long Island.
For more information, contact Committee Co-chairs Vivian Breier, Arianna Savoca, and Jill Schneider.
Organizes a variety of FWA programs conveniently located for those who live or work in New Jersey.
For more information, contact Committee Co-chairs: Stephanie Hauge or Arminda Youse-Warde.
Hosting events focused on hot financial topics, the Global Markets and Economy Committee brings together next generation thought leaders from financial institutions, corporations, research and academia.
For more information, contact committee co-chairs Maria Maris and Tara Smith.
A sub-committee of Global Agenda, this group manages the itenerary and details of bringing FWA delgates to the International Business Conference (IBC) at an international location, and organizes programs that highlight key international issues surrounding the conferences’ destination.
Fostering thought leadership and raising awareness in Impact Investing and Sustainable Investing through programs, consulting projects, and dialogue events. Events showcase esteemed speakers from financial institutions, double bottom line investors, innovative social enterprises, and academia.
For more information, or to join the committee, contact Committee Co-chairs Lakshmi Murthy and Nelun deS. Wijeyeratne
As a leading advocate for gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace, the FWA’s Men’s Alliance aims to engage supportive men in senior leadership positions who understand and champion women’s pursuit of success in both their professional and personal lives, fostering positive change for gender diversity and inclusion in their organizations and society.
For more information, or to join the committee, contact Committee Co-Chairs Richard Hartman and Charles "Chuck" Privitera.
FWA Signature Events are opportunities to showcase the FWA and our member firms, engage the broader community in our mission, recognize outstanding leaders and allies, and provide opportunities and access for our members.
Annual Summit Committee
Plans the premier fundraiser to support educational programs. The Annual Summit provides powerful conversations centered around a contemporary theme. LEARN MORE
Awards Ceremony/Reception Commitee
Plans a major fundraiser to support educational programs: the Annual Awards ceremony/reception honoring women leaders in the public and private sector today and provides support for students who will make their mark in the years to come. LEARN MORE
Holiday Benefit Commitee
Organizes the annual holiday fundraising event to support the FWA educational programs. LEARN MORE
Division Leadership: Jacqueline 'Jackie' Linden
The Educational Initiatives Division is dedicated to the education, development and advancement of high potential high school, undergraduate college and graduate school women interested in careers in the financial industry, accounting and STEM. The educational programs in this division provide scholarships, mentoring programs, access to study abroad opportunities, professional development, training in financial literacy and graduate school programs focused towards the enrichment and sponsorship of future industry leaders.
This committee develops and provides programs where participating students learn practical personal financial skills, such as budgeting, investing, and planning for college. LEARN MORE
Programs offered by this committee offer an opportunity for graduate level students in the NY Metro area to jump-start their professional careers through a series of on-campus workshops on professional skills training and leadership development. LEARN MORE
In 2001, the FWA made a strategic decision to introduce a college mentoring program, and Baruch College emerged as the ideal choice due to its extensive undergraduate business program and divers student population, including first-generation college attendees. Over the years, the program has thrived, with over 200 graduates, a significant number of whom now hold positions at major financial and accounting firms in New York City, showcasing its continuous growth and success. LEARN MORE
The FWA High School Mentoring Program, founded in 1986, stands as one of the longest standing New York City School collaborations, dedicated to mentoring low-income and minority high school students across NYC. LEARN MORE
The New Jersey Regional Mentoring Committee made its first appearance in 2015, dedicated to empowering mentees within the NJ regional area with the knowledge and guidance essential for achieving success on their career journey. LEARN MORE
This committee oversees the funding, selection process, and distribution of FWA's scholarships to high school students pursuing their undergraduate college studies. LEARN MORE
This committee organizes programs aimed at inspiring women in college to pursue careers in the financial field, which includes initiatives like the Wall Street Exchange summer program. LEARN MORE
The Standing Committees of the Board are responsible for crucial functions of the organization, including governance, policy making, financial oversight, fundraising, member engagement, and more.
The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors of the FWA in fulfilling the Boards’ financial oversight responsibilities. The group’s principal tasks include selecting the auditors, assuring the audited financial statements and tax returns are prepared and filed, monitoring the financial reporting processes and overseeing the FWA’s conflict of interest policies.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Tannisha Troutman at [email protected].
The Development Committee oversees the planned giving initiative and other fundraising initiatives.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Barbara Callahan.
The Finance Committee monitors the operational costs of the association.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Madhumita Chakrabartti at [email protected].
The Marketing & Strategic Communications Committee is responsible for the FWA brand, generating awareness, creating interest in the FWA and communicates the brand value proposition to help maintain a relevant, dynamic and vibrant FWA organization. This Committee provides marketing, communications and promotional support to other FWA Committees and the FWA President on both a strategic and tactical level.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Jason Dodd or co-chair Sherree DeCovney.
The Membership and Engagement Committee is responsible for recommending membership policies and overseeing member development, selection, and integration. The committee also assists with the organization of recruiting events, the engagement of members, and the review of prospective candidates’ applications.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Erin Preston at [email protected].
The Nominating Committee seeks to identify qualified members to serve in FWA Leadership roles including the President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and roles requiring election by the membership. In addition, the Committee makes recommendations to the Board to fill any openings on the Operations Resource, Investment and Audit Committees. The Nominating Committee also solicits input from the Board, other FWA leaders and the entire organization on members or prospective members with leadership potential.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Ariel Boverman.
The Operations Resource Committee (ORC) focuses on policies, plans, and issues arising in connection with the FWA office and office personnel. The committee’s oversight includes FWA personnel issues, employee benefits, wage structure, technology and communications plans and strategies, in addition to facilities requirements. The Committee coordinates with the FWA’s Counsel and recommends appropriate actions to the Board.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Katrin Dambrot.
The President’s Circle is the FWA’s corporate sponsorship program which allows firms to establish strategic partnerships with the FWA to advance its core mission to accelerate the success and leadership of women in the financial community across all industries. This is accomplished by exchanging best practices, showcasing industry thought leaders, enhancing programmatic content, and empowering mentoring and educational initiatives.
Since its inception, the FWA President’s Circle has been extremely successful in providing substantial financial support for FWA programs and scholarships, and developing strong, mutually-beneficial partnerships with corporate sponsors. Funds from the President’s Circle firms support FWA programming, scholarships, and training for students interested in pursuing careers in business and finance.
For more information, contact Committee Chair Debra Curran.
The Member2Member mentoring program offered by FWA has experienced rapid growth as a career coaching platform. It pairs members looking to advance their careers and build leadership skills with members who have extensive career experience. LEARN MORE
Pacesetter: a person, group or organization that is the most progressive or successful and serves as a model to be imitated. The FWA is proud to recognize each year a new exceptional group of achiever, who are emerging leaders in their fields and in their companies.
The FWA provides a program of leadership and development for these outstanding individuals through a series of specially-tailored Pacesetter events each year. LEARN MORE
FWA of New York, Inc.
580 Fifth Avenue, Suite 820
New York, NY 10036-4762
[email protected]
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